Published On: 24 May 2024

About Fresnel Perdana Mandiri

Fresnel Perdana Mandiri, more commonly known as Fresnel, is a leading Indonesian insurance broker established in 1999. Headquartered in Jakarta, Fresnel has been a trusted advisor for clients seeking insurance solutions since receiving their official brokerage license in 2000. They provide services with various types of Insurance product ranging such as General Insurance, Health to Life, which proves to be very useful for their clients. and in the aspect of insurance company, Fresnel’s taking over the client’s insurance issue like providing comprehensive coverage, claims management nor other administrational issues, which will eventually lead to reducing their costs to manage it.

Fresnel Perdana Mandiri’s ability to effectively support its clients and business operations was heavily reliant on its IT infrastructure. However, their existing on-premises SAP system posed challenges due to outdated hardware and a lack of technical support.

Problem Statement

The company faced the following key issues with their existing IT infrastructure:

  • Outdated and unsupported technology: The outdated SAP hardware hindered performance and scalability, impacting Fresnel’s ability to deliver optimal service to clients.
  • Limited technical support: Lack of support from SAP made it increasingly difficult to address technical issues, posing a risk to business continuity.
  • Resource constraints: The on-premise infrastructure couldn’t easily scale to meet growing business demands, limiting the company’s growth potential.

Proposed Solution and Architecture

Fresnel Perdana Mandiri partnered with ICS Compute to address these challenges by migrating their infrastructure to Amazon Web Services (AWS). The solution encompassed:

  • Migration to AWS: SAP applications and data were moved to AWS cloud services, providing on-demand scalability and eliminating hardware limitations.
  • CI/CD Pipeline Implementation: A continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline using AWS CodePipeline and CodeDeploy was established to automate and streamline application deployment and management.
  • Security and Compliance: Robust security measures, such as security groups and IAM roles, were implemented, and the new setup was aligned with Fresnel’s existing security policies to ensure a secure and compliant cloud environment.

Metric for Success

The following metrics were used to determine the project’s success:

  • Reduced infrastructure costs: AWS cloud services offered cost savings through on-demand resource allocation and reduced maintenance requirements compared to the on-premise setup.
  • Improved application performance: The scalability and reliability of AWS enhanced application performance and responsiveness.
  • Enhanced deployment efficiency: The CI/CD pipeline aimed to streamline application deployments and updates, reducing manual errors and increasing release frequency.
  • Increased agility and scalability: AWS offered the flexibility to scale resources up or down to match demand, supporting Fresnel’s growth objectives.

Lessons Learned

The project provided valuable insights:

  • The significant benefits of cloud migration: Improved IT infrastructure efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced scalability.
  • The value of CI/CD pipelines: Streamlined application deployment and management processes, improving agility.
  • Emphasis on security and compliance: Critical considerations for any cloud migration project.
  • Importance of planning and collaboration: A well-defined plan and effective collaboration between all stakeholders are essential for a successful cloud migration.

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