Published On: 15 March 2024


About Frisian Flag Indonesia

Frisian flag is one of the largest dairy companies in Indonesia that produces nutritious milk under the brands Frisian Flag, Friso, Susu Bendera and Omela for children and families for almost 100 years since 1922. PT Frisian Flag Indonesia is part of one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the world, FrieslandCampina, based in the Netherlands. As one of the subsidiaries in the emerging market, Indonesia, they are facing challenges to transform their IT to digitalization.

They started their AWS journey in 2019, and since then they are trying to keep up with the digitalization technology. AWS services help them to transform themselves by moving from their own premises to AWS, while in 2021, they started their DevOps journey in AWS.

They started implementing CICD in 2021, with ICS Compute as their AWS partner. Implementing CICD pipeline helps them automate steps in their software delivery process, such as initiating automatic builds and then deploying to Amazon ECS with EC2 instances as backend. They use AWS CodePipeline a service that builds, tests, and deploys their code every time there is a code change, based on the release process models they define.

Yonathan Moniaga, Head of Information Technology of Frisian Flag Indonesia, said “AWS enables us to transform faster and follow the fast pace of technology growth. Not only fast, but also secure. This is one of the best milestones in our IT journey”.

Frisian Flag Indonesia Challenge

Frisian Flag Indonesia has done an end-to-end business process digitalization. Most applications are written in .Net and .Net Core Framework using AWS EC2 Instance. Their development team were still using manual deployment which is a process of copy-pasting their code using Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to EC2 Server. When there is an error during manual deployment, there will be downtime during the fix code process. The downtime that occurs on average is 10 minutes, during the rollback process to the initial code. Whenever downtime occurs, this will cause business loss.

ICS Proposed Solution

Analyzing the pains that the customer experienced, ICS team proposed to create 2 ECS Clusters for Development and Production environments, using the same VPC and Network Configuration. All of the AWS resources are deployed by using infrastructure as a code solution.

ICS also creates CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline to automate CI/CD process ICS also implements CloudWatch and enables Container Insights to monitor the Development and Production Environment.

Results And Benefits

One of the benefits of this implementation is auto-scaling, where if one of the tasks in the container that runs were down, the service will trigger to create a new task. So, it ensures that no downtime is happening. Scalability is also one of the great features, since auto scaling could be set based on CPU and memory utilization. High traffic could be handled in faster time.

Using CodePipeline will reduce risk analyze and deploy code more frequently. Giving testers the ability to detect issues as soon as they occur and to fix them immediately. CodePipeline also will help to make easier rollbacks quickly if any new code changes break the production application. The implementation of CodePipeline increased productivity and deployment has low overhead and can be repeated frequently. The best part of the implementation is no downtime, which means happier customers and better business performance that could increase more revenue.

Frisian Flag’s DevOps journey has put them as the most advance subsidiaries amongst the other Friesland Campina subsidiaries across the globe in the digital transformation space.

Frisian Flag Indonesia will continue their journey to modernize their application and implement AWS services to keep their customers happy and increase their business revenue stream.

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